The inaugural meeting of the Federation of Ship
Recycling Associations (FSRA), a collective of the ship recycling associations
of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will take place at the TradeWinds Ship
Recycling Forum in Singapore on 10-11th March.
Although traditionally competitors, the group is
coming together in the face of a possible ban on EU flag vessels being sent to
South Asia for demolition.
Representatives of the European Commission presented
their position to attendees during a private meeting of ship recycling
stakeholders organised by the European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA)
recently to discuss the interpretation of the new European Regulation (ER).
According to insiders, Emilien Gasc of the EC
Directorate-General for Environment was pressed to clarify the EC position but
declined to concede that the wording of the ER implied an outright ban on
beaching despite apparently unambiguous references to approved recycling yards
requiring ‘built structures’ and ‘impermeable flooring’.
A more clear-cut position was taken by Greece’s
permanent representative to the EU, Petros Varelidis, who had been instrumental
in drafting the regulation wording. He argued that the ER does not ban beaching
and that its purpose is to support the IMO's Hong Kong Convention and stimulate
improvements in safety and environmental practices in South Asian yards.
Delegates at TradeWinds Ship Recycling Forum 2015 in
Singapore will be looking for clarity on the topic from a keynote presentation
by EC Director for Green Economy, Kęstutis Sadauskas.
Shiprecyclers from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are
now wondering whether current and planned investments to improve their
facilities will ever pay dividends now that winning a place on the EU-approved
list of recycling facilities appears remote.
Speaking about the FRSA gathering in Singapore, Ship
Recycling Industries Association India (SRIA India) Hon. Secretary, Nitin
Kanakiya said, “The FSRA was initially conceived in 2010 and has informally
played important role in uniting recyclers from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
We feel that now is the time to come together on a more formal basis in the
face of persistent and unjust treatment by pressure groups and officials at the
European Commission.”
He added, “The FSRA will be represented in full
strength at the TradeWinds Forum by recyclers from India, Pakistan and
Bangladesh, Singapore offering easy access to all three countries. Our focus
this year will be on the common issues which unite us in protest against the
potential ban on beaching.”
Forum organiser Jon Chaplin commented, ‘Ship recyclers
from South Asia have supported the Forum since its inception in 2009 and we are
excited to see this initiative developing.’
Underlining the importance of the Forum to the
industry, principal sponsor Rakesh 'Billu' Khetan, CEO of WIRANA SHIPPING is on
record saying, "This is the premier ship recycling event globally and it
plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the entire ship recycling
industry and is not to be missed. We are delighted to be supporting the Forum
once again and look forward to welcoming everyone to Singapore."
The TradeWinds Ship Recycling Forum is an annual event
and sponsored by WIRANA SHIPPING, Class NK, Al Salam Insurance, St Kitts &
Nevis, Lucion Marine, the International Hazmat Association and Wilhelmsen Ship
Management. It has the official support of VDR German Shipowners’ Association,
Norges Rederiforbund Norwegian Shipowners’ Association and the Asian
Shipowners’ Forum. The event is supported locally by Singapore’s MPA backed MCF
Training Grant.
Source: My News Desk. 03 February 2015
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