29 October 2013

Board for regulating shipbreaking:

The industry minister announced recently that the government is going to enact a law to set up a board for controlling shipbreaking and re-cycling industry in order to save the environment as well as improving the working condition of the workers in the industry. Question has risen whether it is necessary to set up a new entity while Bangladesh has a Department of Environment and a Department of Labour.

Creation of a board would overlap the responsibilities of the above-mentioned departments. The government can assign specific additional responsibilities to the Department of Environment and to the Department of Labour amending the laws concerned to improve the situation of shipbreaking and re-cycling industry that government is planning to assign to the board.

I would, therefore, like to urge the government not to set up a separate board for controlling performance of shipbreaking industry aiming to safeguard the environment as well as interest of workers rather assign the planed responsibilities to Department of Environment and department of Labour.

Md Ashraf Hossain
Raman, Dhaka

Source: the financial express. 4 July 2013

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