31 August 2012

GMS report on Bangladesh shipbreaking industry for WEEK 34 of 2012:

Despite Eid holidays, Bangladeshi buyers still managed to tuck away their share of market vessels with some interesting sales concluded for the week.

The slightly un-fancied bulkers of 7,000 LDT and below (OCEANLIXE I and SAFE RISE) obtained levels of USD 415/LT LDT and USD 511/LT respectively whilst the favored Ukrainian built OKEAX type UNITED (13,755 LDT) achieved a mightily impressive USD 448/LT LDT.

Despite many buyers keen to enjoy their holidays and already stuffed from previously concluded vessels, the number of deals comes as something of a surprise and it wall be interesting to see how the market opens up (and performs) post-Eid.

Source: Steel Guru. 28 August 2012

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