11 September 2011

Odfjell: Responsible Ship Recycling

Odfjell is a leading company in the global market for transportation and storage of bulk liquid chemicals, acids, edible oils and other special products.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

Odfjell’s corporate social responsibility encompasses quality, health, safety and care for the environment as well as business ethics, human rights, non-discrimination and anti-corruption.

We aim at sustainable development for our investors, customers, employees and the communities in which we operate through balancing financial results and corporate social responsibility within our sphere of influence.

We work in accordance with international and national regulations that govern our business and take positive measures beyond mandatory compliance.

Deflagging ceremony of NCC Najran
Ship Recycling:

Fleet renewal is necessary to improve efficiency. Demolition or recycling of ships has not been internationally regulated and the work often takes place under inadequate conditions. This is a concern for both Odfjell and the shipping industry in general.

The high expectations mean that all Odfjell vessels, regardless of age, must maintain a certain quality. Therefore, when a ship is to be phased out it is normally in a condition that makes sale for further trading a reasonable alternative. When ships are sold for further trading Odfjell may not dictate their future recycling procedures.

However, until the announced IMO Convention of Ship Recycling enters into force, Odfjell will follow the industry’s own “Interim Measures for Shipowners intending to sell Ships for Recycling” with guidelines on yard selection, inventory of hazardous materials, gas freeing and reporting to flag state. 

For mapping of hazardous materials Odfjell uses the Green Passport Inventory concept developed by the classification societies. 

All Odfjell owned ships above 20 years of age shall have such an inventory list.

Source: Odfjell website.

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