17 June 2011

World’s Largest Green Ship Recycling Yard to be Built by Dalian in China:

A positive step for a rather tumultuous industry at present, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co announced at the Informa Ship Recycling Conference in London yesterday that they are undergoing a project to create the world’s largest green ship recycling yard.

The site, in North China’s Changxing Island will be 460,000 sq m and large enough to recycle 75 vessels per year, with 6 being undertaken at any one time. 

It also provides a full portfolio of services to the industry and ship owners in particular, as vessels are built on site, repaired throughout their lifetime on site, eventually brought back to site to be dismantled, all hazardous materials removed on site by specialists prior to the vessel being broken up by cranes and eventually dry dock for the hull and keel. Once this is done they can melt down the steel from the old vessel to be used again to build new ships.

This development not only supports the ship recycling industry and offers alternatives to beaching and breaking, but further supports the increasingly popular Hong Kong Convention 2009 for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships, which will look to come into force and ensure all vessels in all parts of the world are dismantled safely and in a manner that protects the environment and workers. A crucial part of this convention, that has already proved popular, is the requirement for all vessels to carry an Inventory of Hazardous Materials, which will ensure all vessels have a list of the amounts and locations of all hazardous materials. This is not only useful on entry to ports and repair yards where people may become exposed to lethal hazards such as asbestos, but becomes crucial when it comes to dismantling vessels where the risk of exposure is heightened.

Source: Green Passport. Lucion Marine. 17 June 2011

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