05 June 2011

Shipbreaking in Mumbai: Heavy air pollution at ships' graveyard:

MUMBAI: There is no cause for worry about environmental pollution, according to Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) officials, who echo the views of the firms employed in shipbreaking at Darukhana, on Mumbai's eastern coast. However, MPCB figures speak otherwise. The latest figures for ambient air pollution in Darukhana show that while SO2 and NOx levels were within limits, Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) stood at a high 153 ug/m3 (micrograms/cubic metre ), way above the permissible limit of 100 ug/m3.

A United Nations special officer, who visited the Darukhana site in 2010, said the situation with regard to worker facilities was "critical" and health and safety laws were not being enforced.

Private firms rent space from the Mumbai Port Trust to break ships at Darukhana. Every day, more than 6,000 workers brave occupational hazards to dismantle ships, sort scrap and package it away. "There are issues related to contamination of an area around shipbreaking yards which have not been addressed in Mumbai as they have been in Alang (Gujarat)," said Gopal Krishna of voluntary organization Toxics Watch Alliance. "Shipbreaking involves toxic heavy metals, such as asbestos fibres, being thrown into the air, which exposes not just workers but those in the neighbourhood to hazards. The particles can easily carry, even through workers' clothes," added Krishna, who is a petitioner in a Supreme Court case against hazardous waste.

The International Maritime Organization has identified risks associated with shipbreaking, which include the generation of lead particles, fire hazards and dispersal of metal particulates.

"Environmental toxins are known to cause chronic diseases. Exposure to lead particulates, for instance, could cause high blood-pressure, heart disease and affect mental intellect, besides being carcinogenic," said metal toxicologist and physician at Jaslok Hospital, Altaf Patel.

Labourers at the Mumbai Shipbreaking Yard
The Darukhana yard is no stranger to fires and other accidents, with over 10 accidents and five deaths reported in the last year itself. While authorities and shipbreakers deny the presence of asbestos, which is proven to have cancer-causing links, or any significant pollution, workers say many rustylooking iron sheets of old ships lined up for dismantling contain asbestos. "None of the ships are without asbestos in their bodies," said Maruti Vishwasrao, secretary of the Mumbai Port Trust, Dock and General Employees' Union. A study of workers in Alang, which was commissioned by the Supreme Court in 2006, found nearly 16% of them carrying traces of asbestos.

Besides pollution, the safety of workers remains a major concern, said Vishwasrao. Many workers toil without the mandatory safety helmet, protective boots or goggles. Several said they hammer iron sheets without earplugs, as recommended by the International Labour Organization and national pollution control bodies. Their labour comes at Rs 270/day for around 12 hours of work (Rs 22.50/hour), even as many report frequent breathing trouble.

"Our employers are only concerned about the work and salary. There is no other facility, not even basic drinking water," said worker Pyarelal Moraiya. Another worker, Narsimha Chauhan, who has also worked at Alang, said Mumbai needs to learn a few lessons about safety and facilities from there.

But Pratap Bohra, of the Shipbreakers' Association, rubbished concerns related to environmental pollution. "Asbestos has been banned since 1985, so the ships which come for breaking do not contain asbestos in their bodies. Moreover, Mumbai, unlike Alang, does not deal with passenger ships, so such concerns are unfounded," said Bohra. He said the overall pollution would compare to that emanated by any steel plant, so there is no cause for worry. "Hazardous waste is handled as per protocol," he added. But Bohra admitted that worker safety remains a matter of concern.

Dr Y B Sontake, regional MPCB officer in charge of Darukhana, echoed Bohra's views. He said, "We monitor the area for pollution and there is no significant threat from shipbreaking operations." Speaking about Darukhana's 153 ug/m3 RSPM level, Sontake argued that Mumbai in general has higher RSPM levels. But, a comparison with MPCB's April data shows RSPM levels in Bandra and Mulund standing at only 87 and 110 ug/m3, respectively. Sion stood at a high 168 ug/m3, but that suburb is known for higher pollution levels due to the RCF factory in Chembur and a nearby dumping ground.

UN officer Okechukwu Ibeanu, who visited the yard in January 2010, observed in a report submitted in September: "In view of the small scale of shipbreaking activities in Mumbai (compared to Alang), the regulatory authority reportedly plays a relatively less active role than its counterpart in Alang/Sosiya, especially with regard to the enforcement of national legislation on health and safety at work and environmental protection."

Ibeanu questioned the attitude of government agencies that deny the adverse environmental impacts of shipbreaking and "regretted not having received updated scientific data from the regulatory authorities concerned and the state pollution control boards with regard to the actual impact of shipbreaking activities in Alang and Mumbai on environmental media”.


Substances involved in shipbreaking:

ASBESTOS: Exposure may cause asbestosis or cancer. Risk also to water bodies

PCBs: Can cause lung problems or liver damage

PAINT: Volatile Organic Compounds and lead dust can enter air during paint removal. Residue and paint chips are inflammable and contaminate soil and water. Paints are carcinogens that affect mental intellectuality and cause high blood pressure, heart disease

Metal cutting and disposal: Torch-cutting generates fumes, smoke and particles such as manganese, nickel, chromium, iron, asbestos and lead. Metal particulates are carcinogenic

Bilge and ballast water: Toxic organics may cause serious health effects. Discharge may release poisonous gases. Oil and fuels may poison marine organisms and affect birds, fish, plants etc

Source: The Economic Times. MADHAVI RAJADHYAKSHA, TNN 4 JUNE 2011, 

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