16 June 2011

Comments received from Parties and others pursuant to the decision taken by the seventh session of the Open-ended Working Group on ‘The Environmentally Sound Management of Ship Dismantling’:

 European Union (Preliminary assessment pursuant to decision OEWG-VII/12 (Environmentally sound dismantling of ships)

(Comment list of the Comparison of equivalent level of control and enforcement)

(Preliminary Assessment. Whether the Hong Kong Convention Establishes an Equivalent Level of Control and Enforcement as that Established in the Basel Convention)

  The Centre for International Environmental Law:
(Shipbreaking and the Basel Convention: Analysis of the level of control established under the Hong Kong Convention)

  International Ship Recycling Association:
Comments on decision OEWG-VII/12 (Environmentally sound dismantling of ships)

  NGO Shipbreaking Platform:
Does the Hong Kong Convention Provide an Equivalent Level of Control and Enforcement as Established Under the Basel Convention?

  United Nations:
(Special Rapporteur - Preliminary assessment of the Hong Kong Convention)

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