06 June 2011

Asbestosis in Migrant Shipbreakers From Northern Bangladesh


Background and Objective:
In Bangladesh, shipbreaking is often carried out by workers from the impoverished northern regions. Ships contain hazardous substances such as polychlorinated biphenyls, heavy metals and asbestos, which are all recognized carcinogens. Work is done without heavy equipment, adequate training or protection, and with high potential for exposures. This pilot study examined asbestosis and general health among migrant shipbreakers.

Volunteer shipbreakers were recruited. They were interviewed in Bangla while responses were translated to English, a physician conducted routine physical exams, and they received postero-anterior chest x-rays. Information was collected on: a) respiratory symptoms using validated questions from the American Thoracic Society (ATS), b) clinical history, c) work history and past occupational exposures, d) knowledge of occupational health and safety, e) and knowledge of asbestos and potential heath risks. Chest x-rays were read by a B-reader for asbestosis diagnosis.

104 male subjects were recruited with average age 39 yrs, average 2.5 yrs education, and with almost 10 years of shipbreaking experience. The general health, including self-reported health, of the workers was excellent. Results indicated a 6% prevalence of asbestosis, 13.5% and 7.7% prevalence of work-related cough and phlegm, and work-related shortness of breath, respectively.

The prevalence of asbestosis appears lower than seen in previous studies in shipbuilding/ship-repair yards. However, beach-based shipbreakers (steel plate loaders and cable pullers) were overrepresented in comparison to ship-based (cutters and fitters). Ships typical of those being dismantled contain several tons of asbestos; there is a need for improvements in exposure control, including educating the shipbreakers about asbestos and where it is found. Future research should focus on subjects who have worked closer to the source of exposure, as well as better characterizing the exposure and learning about the fate of the asbestos after it leaves the yards.

MN Courtice1, P Demers1, T Takaro2, A Ahmed3, HW Davies1
1School of Environmental Health, University of British Columbia, Canada;
2Simon Fraser University, Canada;
3National Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Bangladesh

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