26 May 2011

GMS weekly report on Bangladesh ship breaking industry for WEEK 20 of 2011:

The lack of open buyers and demand in the industry was made abundantly apparent by the fact that no one in the local industry has yet been to Dhaka, to collect the certified copy of the court order granting extension to the local market to operate up to July 7th.

Despite that, several cash buyers continued to take a chance on vessels and commit units for delivery Bangladesh, in the hope that open buyers would emerge nearer to the time of arrival.

Both the HARIETTE (6,102/LT LDT) and NICETEC (7,100/LT LDT) received strong levels from the Bangladeshi market and it may be that there are several buyers keen for smaller tonnage, having taken the vast majority of capsize, Panamax and larger units on show.

While the price achieved for the HARRIETTE is unconfirmed at this time, we do believe the HARRIETTE would have fetched closer to the 30s (and possibly higher) being a USA owned vessel since built and last cargos being (the favored) grain cargo.

Market sales reported –

Vessel Name   Type     LDT     Reported Price
HARIETTE       Bulker   6,102   USD 530/LT LDT
XICETEC        Tween   7,100   LTSD 518/LT LDT

Source: SteelGuru (Sourced from GMS Weekly. Tuesday, 24 May 2011

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